====================================================================== Title : Y2k Nuklear Meltdown demo v1.2 for duke3d v1.4/1.5 Filename : y2k.bat, y2ksetup.bat Author : Jon Coulter & Steve Berg E-mail : dukey2ktc@hotmail.com Web Page : http://www.dukeworld.com/dukey2k/ Misc. Author Info : None Other Levels : Crusher.map Description : The date is January 1, 2000. The time is midnight. Duke is sitting in a sleazy bar drowning his troubles in whiskey as the ball drops. Suddenly, all the power shuts off! "Damn, those scientest bastards are gonna pay for messin' up my computer-guided power plants!" Duke mumbled. Yes, he realized that the Y2K bug had hit, shutting down the entire world in a matter of seconds. Duke looked out the window and saw a bunch of people mutating into aliens! His fellow bar patrons were mutating too! Obviously the power shutdown had caused massive meltdowns at the nuclear power stations. Only he remained untouched--but why? "Holy shit, I was in the can!" "It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all out of gum!" Duke growled as he pulled out his pistol and began mowing down mutant aliens... Additional Credits To : Nobody ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1L1 Single Player : Yes DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Yes Cooperative 2-8 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Not implemented Plutonium Pak Required : Yes New Art : Yes(not much) New Music : Yes New Sound Effects : Yes New .CON Files : Yes Demos Replaced : Yes ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Level Editor(s) Used : BUILD Art Editor(s) Used : None Construction Time : ? Known Bugs/Problems : None, if you find any please report them to us at dukey2ktc@hotmail.com * Where to get this MAP file * File location : http://www.dukeworld.com/dukey2k/ ===================================================================== *Important Information* Installation : Run y2k.bat for single player, y2ksetup.bat for multiplayer Important Notes : This is a very demo demo. We plan on making a lot of changes. If you want to help (maps, cons, soundfx), please go to our webpage at http://www.dukeworld.com/dukey2k/ or e-mail us with an example of your work to dukey2ktc@hotmail.com. ======================================================================